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Some pretty golden questions to manifest faster in life and business

May 01, 2024

Happy first day of May Everyone!

I know, I can't believe we are  already in May either :) 

Often at the beginning of a new month, I would look back at how the previous month went, to celebrate the wins and lessons learned from it. 

Regardless of how your April went, I know 100%, there was much for you to celebrate, so here is to your celebrations!!!!

And may the lessons learned in April propel you towards your dreams and vision. 

Now, with that said,  I felt inspired to share 2 things with you today: 1 shift ( that changed everything for me, in the way that I allow, and receive in my life/business ) and  1 reminder for the both of us.  

This really came from a sentence that I heard a while back that clicked right away ... 

It now rings so true, as it reminds me that I have that which created the whole  within me... 

What is this sentence? 


At first I was like huh? Really?  And then I got it . 

You always get what you want, what you really want ... not just what you say you want, but rather what you really want deep down... 

What this really started meaning to me:

  1. Becoming clear on what I really wanted and CHOOSING for that was always step #1 -  I have applied this in growing my coaching and income. 
  2.  The golden questions I ask myself often as I am moving towards that which I chose: 

Why do I not want this? 

What are the possible reasons I may not want this? 

In which way is it serving me not to have this? 

Why these questions?   I have found that even as we are working towards  goals or a vision that matter to us so deeply, there may be fears, or also parts of us  wanting to stay in our comfort zone ... 

So how it works:

Let's say for example you had decided that last month was going to be a $20k month. 

If you didn't reach that $20k month yet, first of all, Congratulations! You actually had made a goal! ( regardless of what it is for you ) 

Now, you can ask yourself these questions:

Why did I not want this? 

What are the possible reasons I may not have wanted this? 

In which way is it serving me not to have reached this? 

Whatever answers come up, you just address them upfront ... 

Sometime it could be that you didn't actually have space to service that many clients ... 

Then the answer could be raising  your prices, working more in groups than individuals... go for weekly massage ... 

Shift, implement and choose again! 

And remind yourself "You always get what  you want" ... 

And sometimes, it may really come back to reconnecting with what you really want ( For me, this comes down to ENERGY - bioenergy ) 

The more I have amplified my energy through my energetic system, the deeper I have connected to answers within me and what I really want . 

As much as we have that much power to create anything we choose in our lives, may we remember that we are more than physical beings... 

May we remember that there is more to us than what we create in the physical realm...

In our daily activities this new month, in our choosing our goals and vision this new month, may we remember the spirit and soul within us .. 

May we remember to check in with the soul within us for what it really wants... 

Because after all, everything that is physical about us has an expiration date... 

But that soul part of who we are is eternal...

That soul part which is connected to all that there is... 

That soul part which is  unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, creativity, compassion, healing, transcendence, courage, joy ... 

That part of you that was never not...

It will never not be ... 

May we remember to care for that part of who we are - our soul . 

May we remember to create in UNITY with that part of who we are. 

You may or may not have heard of my 6-month experience called UNITY... 

One of my favorite spaces of all times... 

This is a space for you if you are  ( or wanting to be ) very intentional about what and how to create, and manifest growth in your life / business - while feeling so fulfilled, and deeply connected  to your inner being-ness . 

A  6-month Experience For The Human Who Aches For An Intimate Communion With Their Inner Being And Creating In Harmony ... 

The magic that happens in this space is pretty incredible. 

I mean I could share so many stories about what happens in there with you ... 

My favorite one that I heard in the past few days is this: "For the first time in a very long time, I feel supported by the Universe again" - And this is within just a few days of her joining UNITY

Here is a message sent me after one of our sessions:

"I have such good news!

This morning was early but great and I had such a big breakthrough after.

Also...Yesterday I received $4000!

Here’s my breakthrough…because I am a business coach, i do color palettes and style, i can change beliefs from the subconscious with pendulum and reiki, and then i can also do sound healing with sound baths…so it relaxes and heals the nervous system etc...

After unity this morning i realized for the first time that i could give a taste of all the work as an intro…for some reason that never came to me before.

So for the first time in so long i know exactly how and what i want to market…and i will do some 24 hour offers

Thank you thank you…i am sending you so much love….and gratitude."


UNITY is about tapping into the power we already have within... 

Anything that tells us we are not capable of something is definitely out of that space and is a lie... 

The more we are in UNITY with the essence of who we are, the more we recover our power of intentional creation - this applies to money, business, relationships and so much more... 

It is about energy... 

It is about the heart...

It is about shifting the mind back to the truth of who we already are... and creating from that space

And in the process we grow ...

In the process, we heal so much of the wounds from our past - and this occurs very naturally . 

You can find details of UNITY here . 


If you have any questions, comment down below.



