This week there has been much reminiscing on my end.
I was looking back at what inspired me to start this coaching business....
Looking back at how I actually started the business ...
Looking at the growth that has occurred since I have started this coaching...
The massive spiritual expansion that has happened within me...
The challenges I have faced growing this coaching...
The confidence I have gained doing this work...
How much more my heart has opened, for having interacted with so many different humans in the world....
The hundreds of thousands of dollars this work has generated ( still mind blowing to me ... )
I thought I would share how it all started with you, and the steps that I took to turn my spiritual growth into a money making coaching business.
And how you too, can turn your spiritual growth into a money making coaching, that sets your soul on fire!

When my youngest son was about 4 years old, there was a lot going on with him. It broke my heart the first time some of his developmental "issues" were brought to our attention. Here was our perfect little boy, who we were being told needed some fixing...
I went searching for answers, one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was entering the world of ENERGY . This change brought so much healing to my son ( you should see him now, all grown up :) ) , but what I didn't know at the time, was that our son was just the catalyst to something much bigger to come.
The beginning of a self-discovery journey I could never have imagined back then.
Naturally as I began my journey, I started feeling like I wanted to share with others.
I shared it with my siblings...
I shared it with my friends ...
Then eventually, I had this deep yearning in my heart to go deeper AND wider ...
I knew I could use social media to reach more people than just my family and friends, and so a seed was planted.
Before I knew it, I was working with clients across the US, from Europe, Australia, all corners of the world.
Before I knew it, people were also flying in from across the world to come to my retreats...
Below, I am sharing the steps that I took to get here:

Step 1. Decide and fully go in:
At first, when I had the idea, I was wavering a lot . One day I was in, and the other I would change my mind.
The thing is I was so afraid I would be judged by others for talking about energy so publicly. Especially remembering that in my country growing up, anything energy was considered evil, .... and much more.
At first I thought I needed to wait for the fear to go away before I could do it, but actually, looking back, I would still be waiting today if I had stayed with that logic.
Instead, I DECIDED that, even though I might be judged, even though it might feel uncomfortable, I was going to do it anyways. Then I WENT ALL IN!
Step 2. I started sharing my experiences online - At the beginning it was just on Facebook.
As I was sharing my experiences, people were resonating with what I was sharing...
I stayed consistent, then people knew they could count on my presence.
Some people would share my posts with their friends and families ...
More and more started following...
The one mistake I made at some point was going too wide.... talking about topics that were too general...
But then, I recovered.
I went back to specific issues that people were facing everyday, how I was resolving them for myself...
I shared how I managed my anxiety....
I shared how I release a headache whenever I would have one...
I shared about how I used the power of energy to create more joy within me...
How energy work has helped me with manifestation...
I shared how I get myself feeling more present ...
People resonated so much...
And because they would apply and experience results for themselves, they started trusting my work.
Step 3: I created a community
At the time, it was more my Facebook group, Biz: A Love Story, now, it's also my Sunday Energy Meditation For Calling In Coaching Clients , where we gather on Sundays in Zoom, and we have such a beautiful exchange. If you've not experienced it yet, you can join us next Sunday! Register for free here .
Anyways, I digress! :) .
The reason why a community matters is that those who belong feel safe to express themselves freely, as they know they are around like minded souls.
It was also important for me to really know how I can be of most service to them.
Step 4: Created offers
Because I was having these beautiful exchanges with the humans in my community, from our conversations, I asked myself what I could create that would bring them value, a solution, a new experience they were desiring to have.
From there, I made offers.
At first, it was just privately.... 1-on-1
And then, I created a group offer...
I will never forget how excited I was that day, as the sound of payment notification kept going on from my phone.
From there, I kept just making offers, giving value, learning from each experience...
I started increasing my prices, over and over again as more and more clients were entering my world, and having their own experiences and growth.
And as they say, the rest is history .
The one thing that is the foundation for creating all this growth has been sharing, and the art of creating content that inspires other humans to take the next logical step with you.
Content creation is EVERYTHING when it comes to growing your coaching online.
And the fact is, that it is not just the structure, or grammar of how you share your content that will inspire people to join your community or programs.
In fact, as you may very well already know, I speak English as a second language, make a ton of mistakes in my writing and speaking, but yet, I create content that inspires clients to pay me $10k+ for my services.
Content that is powerful at attracting ready to pay clients is beyond just the physical realm of word composition.
In fact, content that is IRRESISTIBLE to readers, watchers, often integrates 3 different realms: physical, emotional and spiritual.
Excited to learn more about this? Get your hands on my free masterclass: IRRESISTIBLE : the art of creating content that attracts ready to pay clients at any price point.
Register to receive it here. It's free!
Much love,