Hello Beautiful soul!
Because you are here, I am going to take a guess and say that somewhere in your heart, you ache to serve other humans in the world.
You already know the power that going virtual can give you to reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people in the world, people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.
Perhaps you are only now thinking of starting your own community, eager to do your soul's work, and the thought of 5-10k income months just thrills you!
Or maybe, you already have a Facebook group, you have something that you know could be of value to so many, but you only have a tiny audience to share with, and are tired of saying the same things over and over again to the same people.
You really, really want to raise your prices, but you keep thinking "if no one bought my low cost offer, how can I possibly get anyone to buy at a higher price? "
Perhaps, you are starting to feel like you have the wrong people in your audience...
What you really want:
You are ready for members of your community approaching you, messaging you, booking calls with you, knowing with certainty that you are the coach for them, AND have the money to pay you.
Though you may not know exactly the how yet, you are ready, and are making yourself available for 5-10K months in your coaching.
You have decided that you will no longer let fears and judgements of others keep you from expressing the fullness of who you are and are ready to create what your heart truly desires.
If any of the above sounds true for you, read on!

When I became passionate about sharing how my life had transformed through the process of tapping into my energy, my spiritual growth was ( and still is ) one of the main driving forces behind growing my Facebook group. I knew the more I shared with others, the more others would benefit from what I had experienced myself, and the more I would expand energetically and spiritually.
However, I had no idea just how much this was going to impact my entire life!
From the emotional maturity, to the hundreds of thousands of dollars in income that I can count just from growing my Facebook group, it is just mind-blowing to me.
When I first started, I had a lot of insecurities, the biggest one being that I spoke English with what some called a "heavy" accent. I thought to myself "there is no way anyone is going to listen to me, let alone buy anything from me with that accent".
I was so wrong!!! It turns out, all I really needed was to learn how to effectively gather a community of like minded souls, interested in exactly what I was eager to share, a powerful message around my passion, change my mindset about sales, and of course cultivate and focus my energy on what my heart truly wanted to create. Then boom!
My following and community grew fast!
Before I knew it, ladies were reaching out, ready to pay me for my work.
I still remember when I crossed 10k income month mark in my business ( It was actually a $14,000+ month ) , it was so exhilarating to experience that! Growing up, this was definitely not in the realm of things I thought were possible for me.
This was all possible thanks to my the following and community I grew.
It allowed me to host several retreats in Sedona, and have the extreme pleasure to welcome participants from across the United States, Canada, and from Europe ( see image below) .

Thanks to my Facebook group, I had the opportunity to travel and share my passion and healing with ladies in 6 different countries in Europe .
I was invited to co-host a retreat in Greece - which I had dreamt of visiting for the longest time.
My work in Europe

All this and so much more is possible for you too! That is, if that is what you want. All you need is to learn - an apply the fundamentals for growing a community filled with people who are looking for exactly what you are so ready to share with the word, align your intentions and energy, write content that speaks to your soul's clients, and learn how to close sales. This is exactly what I am sharing with you in Soulful Five Figure course.
Soulful Five Figure Community is an instant access program where I share exactly how I went from zero to 5 figure months in my business, within just a few months, with my community.
If you consider yourself a heart centered / spiritual entrepreneur, who is ready to powerfully serve her community, in a way that has ripple effects in the world, this program was designed for you!
In this program, you not only learn the most effective and fastest ways of reaching tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of souls looking for exactly what you are aching to share, but you also get to master how to magnetize high paying clients into your coaching.
Discover the types of content you are currently posting on social media right now that may get you likes, shares, comments, but will never get you high paying clients , and what needs to change .
Embody the 5 key elements that you need to become a magnet to soul-clients who are ready to work with you and have the money to pay you.
What You Get

Karla Gehrlach: Self-Love Coach
I always have been kind of an entrepreneur. Unfortunately I was lacking clarity a lot when it came to generating leads and getting clients. I tried a lot of different things. Some of them worked, others did not. But even with the strategies that got me clients for my business, it was never a reliable. It was more like playing poker…..sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. My focus changed tremendously when I started working with Dihessa. Not only is working with her lots of fun, since she is always uplifting and encouraging, I also learned how to build a facebook group the right way. My group has grown to almost 800 members quickly. And even more important: 80-90% of my clients are coming from this group.
What is freaking amazing about Karla's growth is that, at first, she didn't feel like she was "expert" enough to charge more than a couple of hundreds euros for her services. It was really just a mindset issue, then one morning, I woke up to this message from her:
" Dihessa, I I have talked to two out of the 5 people who signed up for a discovery call with me so far. Guess what?! out of two calls, two bought my 1997€ group offer! This is so fu** amazing! "
The modules:
Mindset of a 5 figure Community Leader
What you need to be aware of, in order for you to create a fast growing community, in alignment with your soul's desires, a group filled with ready to buy clients
Rapidly Grow Your Community: what is working now
The fastest, and most powerful ways to grow your following/community, organically, so that you don't feel like you are speaking/selling to the exact same people over and over again
Gaining confidence in your offers
Discover the fastest path to trusting your offers, getting paid for your soul's work, and having clients who actually get results doing the work that you teach them.
Magnetizing high paying clients with your content
5 pillars of solid content that does all the selling for you, without feeling salesy. Get my new content writing structure that is attracting paying clients, much faster than ever before.
Soulful Sales Conversation
Discover the new way of sales conversations that not only convert at a way higher rate, books clients who actually get results, but also feels so good! No more rendering objections
Roadmap to 5 figure months
Implementing your exact plan, in alignment with your inner light, to reach 10k+ months in your coaching business.
Nathalie went from undercharging and exhausted to multiple five figures in just a few weeks and freedom and ease of mind .
I do not have a website yet. Should I wait till I get my website done before I take this course?
You do not need a website to get paying clients. Certainly, a website is a + down the road, but it is not essential to getting paying clients. In fact, in the bonus modules, I show you how to receive payments and how to deliver trainings / coaching to your clients, without a website .
I am not clear on what I want to share with the world yet, is this course going to help me?
If you have a passion to share your heart with the world, then yes. In this course, you will actually learn how to gain clarity on what to focus on with your audience, what , from your personal experience you can utilise for making a difference in their lives, and the fastest and most powerful way to sell . It is much easier than you think, and most people just overcomplicate it.
If your heart is not calling you to do something for yourself, and for others, then this course is not for you .
How long will I have access to the course materials?
Forever access is given to you for all the module videos and course materials, so you can go back to them whenever you want to.